The Raven's Nest Story
Raven's Nest was established on Vashon Island in 2009 by owners Sue & Israel Shotridge.
The Shotridge's have brought a great deal of Native culture & tradition to the island with storytellers, dance groups, musicians, and artist lectures being featured during First Friday's & special events.
Raven is one of the most important of all creatures to the people of the Native Northwest Coast. It was Raven - 'The Trickster' - who created the world. Raven has the power to transform both himself and other beings.

About Sue Shotridge:
The force behind the success of the Raven's Nest is Sue (Kinaa Kinaa). Sue was culturally adopted into the Kiksadi Raven Frog Clan in 1990 to ensure the Shotridge children & grandchildren would have their Tlingit identity. Her passion for the culture has cultivated a charming experience that draws people to visit from all over. As Director of Shotridge Studios and The Shotridge Collection, Sue has created an imprint into the Northwest Coast Native Art scene for 30+ years. In charge of daily operations as well as head of Sales & Marketing, Sue continues to develop one of a kind product lines featuring the Tlingit art designs created by her husband Israel Shotridge. In addition to the management of the business, the artistic brilliance of Sue Shotridge can be seen through all of the Shotridge jewelry collections found within our store & online
Sue received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Jewelry & Metals from NAU in Flagstaff, AZ in 1982. Sue uses her jewelry fabrication skills in collaboration with Israel's native design and engraving skills to create beautiful jewelry offerings such as the Lovebird, Abalone, & Geometric Jewelry Collections. Sue often develops new reproductions featuring Israel's designs as well as marketing other prominent Tribal artists from the Northwest Coast, making the Raven's Nest a perfect place to find authentic, Native Art & Gift.
About Israel Shotridge:
Co-owner of Raven's Nest, Israel Shotridge, is one of Alaska's finest Tlingit Artists/Carvers. He was born and raised in Ketchikan, Alaska in the heart of the Tongass National Forest which was named after his tribal ancestors; the Tongass Tribe (Taantakwan), the Sea Lion people. Israel is a member of the Bear Clan, which in Tlingit is written as 'Teikweidee'.
Israel's Tlingit name, Kinstaadaal, means "The Bear That Is Standing Up." His lineage is from his mother Esther Shea who was the matriarch of the Bear clan Teikweidee-Taantakwaan of Ketchikan, from the Kaats Hit Bear House. His father Milton Jackson was a Kaagwantaan Tlingit from Klukwan, Alaska.
As an Alaskan Native Artist, Israel brings to his work the pride and sensitivity of his Indian heritage. The sophisticated beauty of Shotridge's Tlingit designs are highly regarded in the world of art and his fine work is faithful to those traditional natural images. Israel has been very instrumental in perpetuating the Tlingit culture and arts for over 35 years. An overview that highlights his art career can be viewed on his website portfolio at www.israelshotridge.com.
There is also a Blog where he will share his current art activities at www.shotridgenativeamericanart.com.

Together the Shotridge’s are well-established leaders in marketing Northwest Coast Native Art.They continue to share their cultural knowledge, art skills and marketing services throughout the Pacific Northwest Coast & Alaska.